IDC Business Intelligence 2008
Market Overview: Business Intelligence
The BI tools market, incorporating end-user query, reporting, and analysis (EQRA) tools and advanced analytics (AA), is forecast to grow at a compound annual growth rate of 8.8% overall. This represents 8.4% for EQRA and 8.7% for AA. This growth will be driven by the desire to leverage the ever-increasing stores of information that are present in every organization. This will extend over the forecast period to data in unstructured data formats such as email, content management systems, and Web analytics.
Another important need is to become and remain compliant with legalization initiatives from government and industry bodies. For some organizations the growing imperative to use advanced analytics tools and techniques for instance to combat sophisticated cyber crime in the area of fraud might be of interest. But also to achieve the best ROI by knowing more about customer, products, profit and margins (Corporate Performance management).
Employees are demanding better ways of enhancing customer experience, monitoring business and improving strategic planning. In this matter Business Intelligence (BI) can be of major importance of gaining competitive advantage towards competitors. It is also a drive for innovations within organizations: it will prove to provide tangible benefits to departmental processes, the bottom line and operational efficiencies. A recent IDC survey cited that a significant amount of their IT budget for the coming year would be spent on BI projects. Compared to the year before this demonstrates the increased importance of BI solutions in companies.
Key reasons to attend
Discover how close we are to turning data into intelligence
Identify the benefits from integration of unstructured data into structured data
See how compliance is a business driver for BI implementation
Listen to the BI Public Award winner 2007: better performance against less costs
Learn how productivity will increase by workflow management improvement
Discover how BI can take you beyond the information worker
Explore the “what and how” on real time analyses
Hear the implications for techniques developments
Benefit from the advantage of SOA-based BI tools
Explore how the use can change organizations
Who will attend
IT directors/managers
General Managers
Business Intelligence & Strategic Direction Managers
BI Program and Project Managers
Data – and Data Warehousing Managers
CRM and ERP Managers
Enterprise Information Managers
Financial Managers and controllers
Strategic Infrastructure Manager
Network Managers
Security Managers
Information Analyst Managers
E-Business Managers
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